Tuesday, February 21, 2017

On matters to do with the Tory and Establishment

Ruth Davidson, do not be fooled into thinking that there is anything benign about this Tory, she is using Scotland as a stepping stone on her own career. She over the space of her onward march to her hallowed halls of the westmonster has changed her mind more often than possibly any other politician in recent years. For the EU against the EU, Scots are scrounging, Scots are a valued part of the union. Always quoting the historical and financial benefit for the union of 1707 and that any break from it would bring hell, high water, fire and brimstone down onto us. And if, that was not enough to deter us from self-determination as a nation. Apparently as we sink into the 7th pit of hell and damnation, as described by the holly parchments of the conservative and unionist party, will be without currency, defence, trading partners, friends in general and the BBC. Although the last one sounds more of a blessing.
The financial argument for independence should be of interest this time round. All the fear, doom and gloom forecasted by George and his rancid buddies has actually been either brought on by or is waiting in the wings to make an entrance thanks to that Etonian playground spat between David and Boris commonly referred to as "Brexit"

With that in mind I would like to put forward the argument on historical grounds. The establishments description of our nation prior to the act of union, a union wanted by few and brought about by the corruption of the afore mentioned few. Scotlands guilds and local councils protested bitterly against the union and indeed for the first 50 years it had a negative effect on our nation.
Queen Anne got to pick the Scots negotiating team, the establishment bribed the nobles, there was also the threat of invasion from Malborough and his armies. This as you can see is not the meeting of equals around a table, no far from it. This is intimidation so that the establishment working out of London could secure their northern flank, harness extra resources (men and material) without the cost of a troublesome war. Aye Scotland could keep religion, education and domestic legal stuff but be under no misconception we were taken over and not as we now know to our benefit.
Of course, the other great date on the road to union was the unification of crowns in 1603. How quick James was to abandon Edinburgh to set up court in London and from that date on our independence was placed in jeopardy.
It is I think, even to the most casual of observers of the history of the union that Scotland was absorbed into a union provided by the nobles, not wanted by the majority and the history of has been so distorted by an educational system geared up to that task we have grown up believing the lies.
The Dress Act of 1746 (part of the Act of Proscription) made the wearing of highland dress illegal it reinforced the disarming act and the forced suppression of the Gaelic language. It was not until 1782 that the Dress act was repealed and by that time the damage to the clan distinction was done. We also had the aristocracy (those that got the gelt for the union) start the clearances the forced removal from their ancestral homes of the people, sheep where deemed to be more profitable. Today it would be called ethnic cleansing or genocide. Two phrases I do not use lightly for as a soldier I have seen it first hand in Bosnia 1993. Those forced removals coupled with the voluntary exodus stripped our country of its people, heritage and collective memory a memory that could have been used to challenge the establishments version of history. Alas it was not to be and for the best part of 300 years they that would deny us our culture have had the run of things. Remember it is still within living memory that children were subjected to punishments for speaking Gaelic at school. Those days are coming to an end, thankfully. We now live in an age of mass media and the lie of those that wish to retain power to feather their pockets is being seen through. The grip on the reins of knowledge is not so strong and as the line goes, with knowledge comes power. Most can now go online and research the past. For those that wish, the truth is out there, and it has nothing to do with UFOs. No indeed the only grey-men involved are those that prowl the corridors of Whitehall.
The case for union, that case that was built foundations so corrupt is not so sure. The truth about the immediate actions taken by a brutal regime in the years following that union is a matter of public record we can see that the actions taken where only to guarantee and preserve the nobles place in it.
We are not too small, we are not too dull and inept to run our own affairs. What we are is a nation suppressed and brought to heel by an uncaring system that wanted to go on a world domination phase and then as that system started to shrink and turn its back on its empire through want or internal pressure it now faces one of its last challenges. They will come at us with all their tried and tested means. Their lies and divisive methods. They have control of the propaganda machine but crucially not mass media or the streets. Nor this time can they dictate the narrative, for their lies of the last campaign are still in print. They find themselves preparing for a conflict on two fronts, ironically something that the union was supposed to prevent. This time we do not face the impending invasion of Malborough and his armies but instead face the haunting prospect of being subjected to the continual drip drip of the propaganda as spouted by fluffy and the mooth and sure enough individually we may be subjected to troll attacks. The later I no longer care about and if someone wants to call me a communist, fascist, traitor that has broken an oath. Then they can crack on and fill their boots. My focus will be on those that can be persuaded so please my bonny yoons save the oxygen. When the First Minister stands up and declares that a second referendum is called for because of and for no other reason the rank hypocrisy of the westmonster then it's game on. But not from a standing start this time.
The groups are there, we know who has our nations best interest at heart and who does not.
The only thing that the corrupt rancid establishment has on offer is austerity and nothing else.

Thank you and Alba gu BrĂ th

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